September 28, 2007

the new mr. and mrs.

I'm taking the plunge. I don't have too much personal info out there and I want to share these pictures. So after all this's my family's debut! :)

The brand new Mr. and Mrs.! This is my desktop picture these days. Handsome says that he looks like he has his eyes half closed but I still think that grin is worth millions.

This is Handsome, and he especially looked that way in that tux. :)

Here is the infamous Baby Girl. Make-up and all. There's nothing that could strike fear in my heart quicker than seeing those little girl eyes all made up with big girl make-up. But between you and me, I thought the make-up was a great addition to her beautiful face. These days, she's got a huge retainer in that pretty mouth.

Months and months ago, we began preparing Little Man for this role. We were convinced he would show up the night of the wedding, see all those people and firmly state, in his old soul voice, that he was NOT going down the aisle. Instead, he put on his determined face and marched on down. Isn't that little bitty tux (that cost as much as daddy's!) just the cutest thing? Crooked tie and all!

Me and my Handsome.

Isn't this cake beautiful? It tasted good too!

Little Man hit the dance floor the minute the music started and didn't stop until the music did. He LOVES to dance.

I love this picture of them dancing. It looks like he is teaching her to dance. They had a lot of fun, I think.

He even scored a dance with the bride! :)

It was a beautiful wedding and I'm so glad I have a new sister. It has been interesting to Handsome and I how life moves on and the family circle keeps getting bigger. I love that about families. Welcome to the family, new sister! :)

September 25, 2007

they have names...i promise!

So, for the first time since I began blogging, I am revisiting my thoughts on what to share with you. I mean, I have been pretty fanatical about privacy and worrying about what I put "out there". I didn't even reveal my name for almost a year. You never know what internet boogie-man is out there and my, oh, my what would he or she do with a picture of my children and would he or she be able to find out where we are from and what would he or she possible want with my children and how could I have exposed them to the wild unknown and...well, whew, you get my point. But paging through the pictures from the wedding, there are so many I want to share. Due to my quest of safety, there aren't many left that I can share. I'm torn. I don't know what to do.

So while I ponder that for another day or so, here is something else that has come up...I have never told you my family's names and still don't feel comfortable with that at the moment. But I am tired of calling them my son, my daughter, my husband. It seems so, I don't know, unfriendly or something. To make this better, I have come up with names. I've seen other bloggers do this and thought it was just about dang time! :)

Since my daughter was born, I have called her Baby Girl. I still do. Even after the birth of my son, who is now technically the baby. It's funny because I have also called her Pumpkin Butt (don't ask - I don't even know why) but I thought years down the road when she is cherishing her mom's bloggy words (and she will, right??), she might appreciate Baby Girl instead. So, Baby Girl it is.

My son was born looking like an old man. He had the scrunchy face, the big ears, and even his hair slicked down with a side part. I've always called him Little Man. He has been my little grown-up for most of his life. He just has an old soul, like me, and he imitates his dad's gestures without even knowing it. He's our Little Man.

I've thought and thought about what my husband's name can be. I have discarded a few. I thought about Knight In Shining Armor - KISA for short but yeah, that's not so manly. I also decided against the Love Of My Life - LOML because that reminds me too much of LOL and although he makes me laugh, it just didn't sit well with me. My uncle calls him Chesterfield (he has nicknames for us all) but that doesn't work for me. I don't think of him as Chesterfield (even if it does fit!). Maybe it will just have to be Handsome because well, he is. :)

There we have it - Handsome, Baby Girl and Little Man. I feel so much better now that you "know" my family! It seems so trivial but thanks for hanging in there with me. I'll be back soon, probably with wedding pictures! Stay tuned!

September 21, 2007


This is always a busy season for us. For all families, I guess. I can hardly believe that it's been a month since I last posted. I've lurked around and thought about things to post but never made it here. Now, there's so much to write about, I'm overwhelmed. Here's a list of the things that have happened around here in the past 30 days...

*I have a new sister!! My brother-in-law got married a few weeks ago. All four of us were in the wedding. It was beautiful. I'll devote a whole post to it soon - I promise!

*There was a surprise party/reception/open house for my cousin that just got back from serving in Iraq. I got to hug on him and hold that new baby of his. That baby looks just like him! It sure was good to see him. He moved back to the base with wife and baby in tow today. Prayers for them would be appreciated.

*My daughter started 6th grade - and with that, came an amazing obsession with the phone.

*My son started pre-school. He loves it! I'm getting used to the idea. I can't believe he's ready for this. It's only 3 mornings a week but my heart says it's so much more than that.

*Both kids started their soccer seasons. This is my son's first time playing soccer. Those little ones are adorable. And when did my daughter learn to kick like that? I'll post some pictures soon.

*I started attending a Bible study/book study group. I've learned a lot. Most of all, I am enjoying the fellowship with other like-minded Christians. I'll post some of the amazing things happening soon. (Seems like I have a lot to post "soon"!)

*My mother-in-law's work schedule was changed so my work schedule is changing. She was the one to watch my son while I worked two days a week. Now, I'll be home every day except one. On that day, I'll go to my study group and then to work for the afternoon. A blessing for sure but it was chaotic there for a minute!

*The evaluation for our pastor had to be done and since I'm head of that committee at church, guess who had to spearhead that? It was well, um, interesting, and hopefully we are on track now. Kinda stressful for little ole me there for a bit.

*I feel so bad that I just now found out that I was given an award A MONTH AGO! Bev at Scratchin' the Surface so nicely awarded me this Nice Matters Award:
She is so sweet and I always love to see what she's up to. If you haven't had the chance to visit her, stop by! Thanks Bev! It's funny that I got this award because we've taught our kids that Jesus wants us to be nice. And they make sure to remind us when we need it! :)

Whew! I think that catches us up. As you can tell, I have lots to post about but I didn't want to go on and on and on and on in one post. So, I'll be back - and it won't take me a whole month this time!

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