January 21, 2010

what do you watch?

I'm still overwhelmed by the devastation in Haiti. The images and stories are beyond my wildest imagination. I encourage you to give to Compassion International. They are on the ground there and working hard at bringing relief.

But for today, I have to go to something mindless...if just to provide some mental relief for a moment.

We have settled into the new schedule on TV. I don't really seek out watching television but I have a husband who watches a lot of TV. So by default, I watch a lot of TV. We usually record the shows (thank the Lord for the invention of the DVR!!) and that cuts way down on the commercials and doesn't eat up so much time. However my son now asks me to pause "his time" whenever he wants to do something else for a minute. A little bit of education on reality vs. TV is in order, I believe. He also doesn't understand why we can't fast forward live TV. Hmmm...what an interesting generation this will be...

Anyway, we've been watching How I Met Your Mother, Modern Family, American Idol, 24, and we'll watch Survivor when it starts. Hey, now that I'm thinking of it, whatever happened to The Office? We watch that too. I guess it will start soon. My better half is my TV scheduler so I guess he'll handle that.

So, what are you watching? Anything interesting?

0 rays through the fog:

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