October 3, 2009

this is the air I breathe

Being at this altitude, I wondered if I would struggle to breathe. I have asthma and while it doesn't flare up much in my hometown, I thought it was a good possibility here in Colorado.

My fears weren't completely unfounded. I'm not short of breath but I feel the heaviness of breathing in my chest. The smallest exertion - like carrying my suitcase - makes me pretty winded. So while it isn't a struggle, I definitely notice the effort my body is putting forth to fill my lungs.

Last night, at the opening session, we heard Wess Stafford speak. Very moving. He put forth a personal challenge of forgiveness. Which struck me because this is something God had already been working in my life.

Then we sang a song - " This is the air I breathe". There is a line in it about being desperate for God. With being so aware about the air I am breathing and the effort it is taking, I fully understood the desperation of needing God as I need to breathe. He is the very air I breathe. He is what is inside of me, making me alive. Just as I need my body to push air into my lungs, I need my sweet Lord.

It was such a vivid picture for me. I'm so thankful that He took my struggle, my fear and turned it into a wonderful lesson on the critical need for total dependence on Him.

In addition, and not just a little off track, I was led to pray for my family last night. To declare in the name of Jesus Christ that Satan has no place among them, among us. That we will be a God seeking family. That I will be the love of Christ to them. That I will honor their God given gifts and not impose my human judgements upon them. That I will be encouraging and uplifting. That God will make me the mean mom when necessary but that only kindness will remain.

It was an emotional night. A big night spiritually. One that I felt was a culmination of many small steps and nudges over a very long period of time.

A collision of mercy, forgiveness, and the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah. Amen.

2 rays through the fog:

Bev said...

Hello Andrea, I wanted to thank you for taking the time to meet my Mom; I know it meant the world to her. I just got back from visiting her in Colorado - the tiredness you feel is very legitimate and you may well have headaches too - it all subsides in about 4-5 days, if youre blessed enough to stay that long. Usually about when we get used to it, it's time to pack the suitcase and head home. Hope your time there is wonderful in every way.

Judith said...

Amen, amen, amen! In these days of so much Godlessness, how wonderful to hear someone say they enjoyed mountain top moments with our Lord.

Meeting you was pretty special too, and know that I'll be praying for all that's in your heart. Bev's right about what this mile high place can do to you, but a few days back in your home town takes care of it.

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