November 4, 2008

month in pictures

Yes, I know it's been more than a month since I've posted. The words just didn't flow for me there for a while...and now they are so stacked on top of each other that I can't figure out just what to post! I'll start off with some pictures while I figure it out...

Can you tell me who this is? (Anna, you can't guess because you used your photography skills taking the picture!) I went to a Christian Women's Conference and met this lady. Here's a hint: She writes some AWESOME books...
**edited to add: It's Karen Kingsbury.

Baby Girl got the distinct pleasure of cleaning all the seeds and goop out of the pumpkin.

This is Dr. Little Man, our emergency room doctor. Oh, and that's a shaker he made in class. Nothing like a doctor who can keep the beat! :)

This is the picture out my back door. It's actually my neighbor's yard. I love Fall.
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2 rays through the fog:

Anonymous said...

oooh I know who it is!! I know!!! ;)

Darlene said...

Great Pictures!

I know, I can't think of her name.

I know the other person, yep!

That doesn't count, oh.

Okay so tell me........

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