September 11, 2008

won't we always remember?

the morning dawns
sunny and cool
a lot like that morning
seven years ago

blogged about it
two years ago
but the memories remain
no matter how long

still hard to take it in
as hubby watched
newly released footage
from that day

it was awful to hear
the sirens
as heroes rushed
to do the job they loved

so very sad to me
to now know
they would rush in
but few would come out

having been to nyc
twice now
makes the atrocity
all the more real to me

i cannot fathom
that this happened
in the grand ole us of a
land of the free

but it did
and it proved something
the mighty usa
is still the land of the brave

saying lots of prayers
for all those affected that day
and that's pretty much

be with us today
dear God
and remind us
that good trumps evil
every time
even when we question it
even when it isn't blatant
even when we hurt
You are still there
and You will be glorified
come along side of those who hurt
and give them Your peace
Your everlasting peace

2 rays through the fog:

Karen said...

Beautiful thoughts ... thank you for sharing them.

Darlene said...


God Bless America!

Can't wait for Josh to come home from Iraq. It will feel good to know he is safe at home with his family.


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