July 6, 2007

eleven today

it seems just yesterday
that i was welcoming you
to the double digits

and now another year
has slipped by

it's been a big year for you
clothes and hair were suddenly
things to be conquered

very important
and never perfect

boys became more than
a passing thought
and the phone, my goodness, the phone

i think i'll scream
if you ask to use it one more time

and it's only just beginning...

you started to work hard in school
your curiosity unsatisfied
proof in your honor roll report card

it dawned on you
that school wasn't just for making friends

i've enjoyed many conversations
and i see the hint of the young adult
you will become

remember to always keep your own opinion
don't borrow someone else's

your face and body are growing up
your heart is beautiful
and that is reflected outside

keep your eye of Jesus, sweetie
and you will always be beautiful

i miss you today

i can't wait to celebrate with you

happy birthday, baby girl!


I'll never understand your master plan - placing this precious girl in my care.
I'll never forget the miracle - watching her wiggle into this world.
I'll never know all the answers - which is more evident the older she gets.
I'll never fail to be amazed when I look at her - and see me.
I'll never stop trying to shape her heart - reminding her of your love.
I'll never feel as if I am ready to let her go - but every year, it comes closer to that time.
I'll never get tired of saying thank you - for the blessings that she gives me.
So today, on her birthday, as always, I say again - thank you for my daughter.

4 rays through the fog:

Betty said...

That was beautiful! Happy Birthday to your little young lady :o)

DK said...

This is a gorgeous post! I just stopped by to tell you that I gave you an award today. :) Stop by my blog to read about it.
Have a grand evening,

Judith said...

Thinking of you, especially now.
Hold on to all the happy times you can.

What a tribute to your daughter, and to being her Mom.

Unknown said...

Isn't it amazing how quickly they grow up? My oldest just turned double digits this year on 7/5!

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