March 28, 2007

another call


I got a call from my cousin that's deployed in Iraq. This is my second call from him. He sounds so tired every time. He said they just returned from mission that lasted a day and a half. He was going to try to get some rest. I ask for your continued prayer. He said that when they first got there (in January), there was a lot of shooting. It had settled down some but he said it is back to being hairy (his word) again. And they are all so very tired. He said that everyone seems to be doing well except for one guy who is having problems at home. That guy keeps flipping out. I absolutely cannot imagine the stress of being there. Or the stress of trying to deal with missing someone who makes up part of your home. I feel it and I did not have day to day contact with my cousin before he deployed.

There's a baby shower being planned for his pregnant wife and I intend to go. Not only as a representative of his side of the family but because I am so excited about this baby. No, it probably wasn't good timing, and no, I don't think either him or his wife would have chosen for her to go through this alone (with her parents but not him). But that's just the way it goes in these situations. I know that he is beyond excited and can't wait to come home and be with them.

dear Father
i'm just drawn to You
in light of this boy
and his growing family

i worry
and i know that
i can accomplish nothing
with this fear

i turn him over to you
his wife and unborn child too

keep him safe
under your loving care

grow that baby
healthy and strong

restore his wife
to sustain her child
and give her strength
when she is tired
hope when she is down
peace when she is afraid

You know where he is always
go before him
and clear the evil from his path
be the protection he needs

thank You for caring about
that one boy among many
half a world away


4 rays through the fog:

Kelly said...

I know a lot of people over there right now. My brother-in-law is in Afghanistan right now. His daughters miss him very much.

Judith said...

As I read about your nephew and his buddies over there, and hear the sorrow and concern in your words for him, I want you to know I still pray for all of them. I pray.

I just thought of something and don't know if it's possible. When my grandson was in Iraq he and I emailed each other, We bloggers have gathered together for important reasons and crises. Is there any way we could send a "Hello, we love you to the military??? If not to the entire miltary, could we send it to your soldier boy's outfit???

I don't know how to put in links, hardly know what they are, so someone would need to do the mechanics of it. But could we all do something like that?

Darlene said...

Beautiful prayer. I'm proud of all the love and attention you give Josh. I know he appreciates it He's a keeper, just like you!

Love ya, Mom

Judith said...

I'm sorry I haven't kept in touch more. But I think of you, and when I look at my grandson's little boy's picture, I remember to pray for your nephew. Would love seeing more you write done the way you did for your prayer for him. Hang on dear friend, hang on.

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