October 13, 2006

my angels

I've been asked what angels I have so I decided to make a list. I'm linking this in my sidebar and then I can update it whenever I get a new one! : )

A LIST OF MY Demdaco Willow Tree ANGELS

Angel of Learning

Angel of the Kitchen

Guardian Angel

Angel's Embrace


Angel of Strength

Angel of Warmth


Love of Learning

1 rays through the fog:

Barb said...

I should do this, too. I have a few of the same ones you have. And I have the Nativity (including one little lamb that needs his legs glued back on - sigh). I'm not a collector of anything, never have been, but I fell in love with the Willow Tree angels the first time I saw them and now have a whole curio cabinet devoted to them. I think one of my favorite things about them is that they are so expressive in spite of not having faces. Isn't that cool?

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