January 26, 2009

christmas sewing

I said that I would get around to showing what I made for Christmas presents this year. And whether it takes me one day or say, 40, I'll always do what I say. :) So, now that Christmas is but a memory (and we FINALLY got rid of the tree today), here are the things I made.

They are quilted pillows. I have been getting into quilting and knew I couldn't possibly get a whole quilt finished in time for Christmas. But I took an idea from a quilt I am making (pictures of that to follow...) and adapted it to make a few pillows. The red one was for my sister-in-law, the blue for my mom, and the green for my mother-in-law. I assembled the front panel like you would a quilt square, then basted the quilt square with batting and a back. I machine quilted it and then attached it to a matching back. I inserted a pillow form and stitched the bottom closed. They aren't perfect but for my first try at sewing and for not having a pattern, I think they turned out alright. And best of all, I think the recipients liked them. That's all that mattered to me. :)

1 rays through the fog:

Darlene said...

Are you kidding. I LOVE MINE!!!

Best gift I got for Christmas this year. The homemade ones are always the best ones.

And I couldn't be prouder of you for having made it yourself.

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