March 14, 2008

friday's feast #183 (#26)

Please forgive me for not having my handy dandy picture today. I am not posting from home. I am helping out at my roomate from college's house. She is being induced tomorrow with her second child! I posted about questionable test results earlier in her pregnancy. All turned out okay. Now, we just pray for a healthy delivery. I can't wait to meet her new baby girl!!!

Now, where were we? Oh, yeah, here goes a try at this week's questions...

On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 as highest), how much do you like your own handwriting?

If I take my time, it's a 9 or 10. Usually I'm in a hurry though so it falls more like a 2 or 3. Speaking of handwriting, Baby Girl is in 6th grade this year and it was amazing to see the dynamic change in her handwriting. It went from "who cares?" to "girly, girly". Do you remember playing around with your handwriting as a kid? Was I the only one who did that?

Do you prefer baths or showers?

Showers. Again, I'm usually in a hurry so showers make more sense. Really though, I never did care for baths. The water gets too cold, there are so many other things I could or should be doing, I can't read because the pages get wet, when's the last time I cleaned the tub?...Not exactly the most relaxing thing I can think of.

What was the last bad movie you watched?

It's been fairly recent that I've begun watching movies again. Somehow, having little ones prevents movie watching in my corner of the world. And the movies we do watch these days are usually animated and aimed at the under 10 set. I guess I would have to say the Ricky Bobby movie was pretty bad in my book. I love Will Ferrell and think he's a crazy guy - and the movie did have some funny parts in it, but it wasn't my kind of movie.

Main Course
Name something you are addicted to and describe how it affects your life.

It's a tie between reading and the computer. Both suck me in and prevent me from doing things I should be. I would probably engage my kids in more conversation or spend more time with my husband if I took control of these two areas. I've been working on it. But then again, I'd probably just watch more TV. Because I'm not saying my husband is addicted to it...I'm just merely suggesting he is. :)

Which instrument is your favorite to listen to?

Wow, this is a hard one for me. I love music. I sincerely wish I was able to play a couple of instruments. I am really moved by listening to music. I guess I will name a few since it's late and my decision-making skills are impaired by fatigue. :) I love to listen to the sax (Kenny G, anyone?), the bag pipes, the piano, and the acoustic guitar. All good, good stuff.

Okay. I'm posted this and gettng some sleep. I get to hold a newborn tomorrow - YEAH me!! :) Have a great weekend!!!!!

4 rays through the fog:

Mariposa said...

Right, showers is more practical when we don't have enough time! HappyFF!

Marsha said...

We really match up on the dessert! I think I listed more instruments than you did though! lol

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Yup on your Soup! :)Nice feast! Happy FF! Mine is HERE:)

Unknown said...

I hope all goes well with baby and mother.

Yes, I remember experimenting with my writing.

My friday's feast is ready for you at:

Laane on the World

Have a great weekend!

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