November 19, 2007


In the past two and a half weeks, A LOT has happened around here. Here is the list - and I promise to post more details soon.

*My roommate's test was negative! The baby does not have spina bifida. But there are a few other things they need to look at so continued prayers would be appreciated.

*WE SOLD OUR OTHER HOUSE! We moved into our new house TWO years ago and finally...finally our old house sold. What a relief!

*We had a pirate and Spiderella (think Cinderella meets spider webs galore) for Halloween. I'll post pictures soon.

*I've traveled around the world. Well, not really. But I did take a trip to Texas with my husband. And it felt like I'd been around the world by the time I got home. I'll post about this too. Soon.

*Friendship drama with my daughter. Enough said. For now. Makes me tired just thinking about it!

*My hubby had a birthday! We'll be the same age for a few months and then I turn another corner.

*They had Father's Night at my son's school. That was really cool for them. Well, except for the little girl who puked as the evening was ending. My son asked why they put oatmeal on the floor. Gross!

I'm sure I'm forgetting something but these are the things that come to mind for now. I'll be back soon with all the juicy details. :)

2 rays through the fog:

Barb said...

Congratulations on finally selling that house! What a huge relief that must be.

And I remember those girlfriend dramas. Ugh. I finally figured out the best action on my part was to just stay out of it. They always work it out. Well, almost always.

Judith said...

You obviously have been very busy.
Am so happy that your house finally sold.

All the way from home to Texas and back, now that is a very long trip. I'm curious to know where you went down there.

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