February 13, 2007

template to layout

I switched to the new blogger a few days ago and spent hours labeling all my posts. I am so giddy about the labels!! But then I wanted to add the labels to my sidebar and ran into a little problem. I couldn't figure out how to write the html code for it. In order to easily add them in the new drag-and-drop template, I had to convert my template to a layout. Whatever that means to the blogger powers that be. There were warnings all over the place about how this was going to remove a lot of the customizations that I had added. Hours and hours of work, gone. And they were right! So, I had to spend time adding some things back in. Of course, once I got started, I kept adjusting things that didn't even change when I switched. You know how addicting this tweaking can be. I also very easily added the labels to my sidebar. From now on, I should be able to easily change things since I switched.

I hope.

2 rays through the fog:

Barb said...

At least you can play around with all the new features, Andrea. I don't dare. My custom designed template would disappear into cyberspace! I love the whole look of your blog. Hope you don't change it much.

Girl Raised in the South said...

Braver than me. I did like the labels, but I think I'll wait til Sarahs here next time to do anything like mess with putting it on my sidebar. Its amazing how one little thing can throw the whole blog into convulsions...

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