October 11, 2006

catchin' up with random thoughts...

Columbus Day was a holiday for bankers and postal workers. Which means that Tuesday was chaotic in post offices and banks. Or at least that's my theory. I can attest for the banks. I had to work. After not having been a teller in years, I've been filling in as one as needed. It's hard. My back is still hurting today from standing all day. I'm not as young as I used to be. :)

My daughter has joined the knitting club. And she actually has been knitting, not just socializing. Because we all know that at 10, it's all about being with your friends. I am still struggling to figure out how she grew up so fast. And why little girls in general are growing up so fast. I know it's the society we live in and the awful culture of our television. But even standing in the way of that as best I can seems not good enough. It's compounded by her having two families. He seems oblivious to the evils that hound her every day. Without a second thought, he feeds into it by buying every whim. Instant gratification. Erroneously giving the message that material things fill the soul and bring happiness. It's an uphill road I travel to level things out. I only pray I will win this battle. Of all battles, this is the one I want to win.

My son spent a wonderful day with a friend of mine last week (while I went on a field trip with lots of loud fifth graders, but I digress...). They went to the library, played train, and stopped by Goodwill. He fell in love with this thermal Spiderman shirt. It has little mesh "wings" that attach from under each arm to each side of the shirt. He wants to be called Spidey. The funniest thing for me is that he doesn't even know who Spiderman is. Daddy tried to show him how to shoot webs from his hands and although impressed, he didn't get the concept at all. He asked me what Spiderman does. I told him he uses his web power to help people in trouble around the city. (Work with me here, I didn't play with Spiderman stuff - I was a He-man and Matchbox kind of girl). He wanted to know if Spiderman was bad. I told him no.
"But kinda like of, right?"
"No, not at all."
"Yes! He! IS!"
I guess every little boy wants his hero to have some dangerous, bad boy in him. So I picked my battle and it wasn't this one!

Friday afternoon, I leave with two friends to go to the MomTime Getaway with Lisa Whelchel in Lexington, Kentucky. I am really excited to be around other moms. I haven't been away in a while so it will be nice. I will miss my husband like crazy and my kids too, but sometimes a mom's just gotta get away. To gain perspective. To recharge. To realize what is important. I think it is a little ironic that my time away is to go to a seminar about being a mom. But I am looking forward to spending time with my friends too.

I got the results from my laproscopy a couple of weeks ago. My options aren't all that great. The details aren't worth putting out there (you know, out in the wild blue yonder of bloggyville) but if you've been there, you know. We haven't made any decisions but will need to soon. Please keep us in your prayers. I am frustrated and I'm not a really nice person when I feel out of control or when I'm in pain. Both apply right now.

I haven't mentioned our old house in a while (out of sight, out of mind - I wish!). It is STILL for sale. Lots of people have brought their houses way below market which is not helping at all. We are already lower than we wanted to go but at this point, it just needs to go. It's hard to enjoy the new house for worry about the old one. And thinking of yard work for both has been a real treat too. I guess that's one good reason winter's coming.

Well, I'm off to go run some errands. With two squirmy little boys. Wish me luck!

2 rays through the fog:

Judith said...

I'm sending up prayers about the test, and the house selling.

This will be a long comment. I needed to get a huge amt.of money that was tied up in a Kansas house. It was on the market for two years, and only a few people looked at it. When I finally stopped worrying and struggling about it, and got my entire little church to pray about it, in less than two months, God sent a couple from the Phillipines to that Kansas town, and they bought the house. So hang on lady, hang on.

I sure know what you mean about having to be on your feet at work. Now that nurses use pc's, we have to stand much more. I start my nursing shifts with 800 milligrams of Motrin.

"Oz" is so good! This one is a keeper.

I've never written that style of poems. Think I'll try.

Again, I really like "Oz".

Barb said...

Oh! That's my Mom up there! I'm not used to her being back in cyber space again.

You covered a lot in this post. Hope everything goes well re your health issue. Yes, I've been there and yes, I had to make some tough decisions but it was easier because I knew I was done having children.

I wish your house would sell. I know it's a constant worry for you.

And I'm sorry you and the ex don't have the same philosophy about giving a little girl every single thing she wants. I'm afraid I have to side with you on this one. Instant gratification is not something a child needs to think is OK.

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